Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Aiden's new Four Wheeler.
We took it up to our property which is near Strawberry Reservoir a couple weekends ago... Aiden was soo excited to try out the fourwheeler he couldn't stand it. So, Nick and I walked with him to showed him a trail to follow to our other peice of property and where to turn around and come back... he followed this trail around and back for atleast 2 hrs straight.
I was outside on the camping chair watching him and holding Nikaylee... Nikaylee started to get fussy so, I took her into the Fifth Wheel to make her a bottle. All of a sudden I heard the Aiden on the Fourwheeler coming closer, and a big bang!
I looked outside, Aiden was hauling butt and ran right over my camping chair and ran crashed into Nick's Truck!!!
He doing soo good! I don't understand. :(
Aiden was so scared and crying and just kept on saying "I wasn't watchin where I was going mom" OBVIOUSLY!
Nicks Truck is okay but, he broke his headlight in his fourwheeler.

1 comment:

Kimberly and Jonathan Bradbury said...

Uh oh! Well it's a good thing he didn't get too hurt and go to the hospital! Next time I'm sure he'll pay attention. LoL!